Institut für Historische Theologie


Sara Moscone

Doktorandin im SNF-Sinergia-Projekt: „Lege Iosephum!" Ways of Reading Josephus in the Latin Middle Ages

Institut für Historische Theologie

+39 335 167 66 88
D 310 (Länggassstrasse 49)
Abt. für Ältere Geschichte des Christentums und der interreligiösen Begegnungen
Länggassstrasse 51
3012 Bern
seit 08/19 Doktorandin im SNF-Sinergia-Projekt „Lege Iosephum!“ Ways of Reading Josephus in the Latin Middle Ages bei Prof. Dr. Katharina Heyden
11/2016-06/2019 Letters and History teacher in high school classes in Alba and Bra (Italy)
24 ECTS credits in the anthropological, psychological and pedagogical fields - postgraduate high education course at Università degli Studi di Torino
Post-graduate high education course: XX Settimana di Studi tardoantichi e romanobarbarici: “Il cristianesimo altomedievale tra agiografia ed enciclopedismo” at University of Bari ‘Aldo Moro’
Master’s degree in Philology, Literature and History of Antiquity at Università degli Studi di Torino. Thesis in Ancient Christian Literature: “Divine Πρόνοια and Παιδεία in John Chrysostom’s De Anna sermo 1: translation and comment.”
Bachelor’s degree in Ancient Letters at Università degli Studi di Torino. Thesis in History of the Greek Language: “Philoctetes - translation and comment of Dio Chrysostom’s Speech 59”
Secondary school-leaving certificate ('A-levels') in classical subjects at Liceo Classico Statale ‘G. Govone’ of Alba (CN) Italy
1991 Born in Alba (CN) Italy
  • The reception of Flavius Josephus in the ‘Historia Scholastica’ by Petrus Comestor within the interdisciplinary project of the reception of Latin  Josephus in the Middle Ages (for further details of the project see here)
  • Moscone, Sara (2017) “De Anna sermones di Giovanni Crisostomo: note di confronto con le omelie De Statuis” in Vetera Christianorum 54, Bari 2017.